Afghanistan news

Three civilians and two militants were killed in Afghanistan Saturday in incidents
including the bombing of a tractor in the troubled south of the war-torn country,
officials said. The first explosion took place in Marjah district in the southern Helmand
province as a tractor carrying civilians struck a roadside mine, provincial spokesman
Daud Ahmadi told AFP. "Two civilians were killed and one injured in the blast,"
Ahmadi said. Ahmadi blamed the "enemies of peace and stability", a term often used
by Afghan officials to describe the Taliban, for the attack. A third civilian was killed
when a magnetic bomb attached to his vehicle exploded in the southeastern city of Khost
Saturday, deputy police chief Muhammad Yaqub told AFP. The victim owned a cassette
shop in the city, he added. Separately, two militants were killed in Greshk district of
Helmand province Saturday as they tried to plant a mine, an army spokesman said. "Two
enemies of Afghanistan were killed while planting a mine to target innocent Afghans in
Greshk district, but their device exploded prematurely, killing both on the spot," an army
spokesman in Helmand, Rasool Mohammad Safi, said. – AFP
Last night in the Charkh District of Logar Province, Afghan and Coalition forces
conducted an operation to capture a Haqqani facilitator. He is part of a Paktya/Khowst
based HQN group involved in the facilitation of weapons into Charkh District in order
to conduct attacks on security forces. 1 individual was detained for further questioning
without incident. All women and children on the objective were protected by security
forces for the duration of the operation.
In Musa Khel District, Khowst Province last night, Afghan and Coalition forces
conducted an operation to capture a Haqqani facilitator operating between the Sabari and
Khowst Districts. He is a known IED cell leader and attack planner. In addition, he has
provided IED, logistical and intelligence support to the network. He is responsible for
the transportation of IED’s, HME, and light machine guns that are used to target ANA
and CF compounds. 6 individuals were detained for further questioning. The safety of all
women and children was ensured throughout the course of the operation. No shots were
fired and no damage was done to the target compound.
Last night in the Gulistan District of Farah Province, Afghan and Coalition forces
conducted an operation to capture a member of the Taliban leadership for Bakwa District.
He has planned, coordinated and participated in attacks against security forces. The
suspected target was captured by security forces without any shots being fired and 3 other
individuals were detained for further questioning. Security forces protected all women
and children on the objective. No damage was done to the compound.
In Konduz City last night, Afghan and Coalition forces conducted an operation to capture
a Taliban suicide facilitator. He has been known to plan attacks, and reporting back to
Senior TB/IMU members the results of the attacks. Security forces detained 2 individuals
for further questioning. During the course of the operation, security forces ensured the
safety of all women and children. The operation concluded without incident.
Last night in Archi District, Kunduz Province, Afghan and Coalition forces
conducted an operation to capture a Taliban leader for Khanabad. He is a known IED and
weapons facilitator for Konduz Province. Immediately upon infil security forces were
attacked by armed insurgents from multiple directions. Security forces engaged in
significant enemy contact throughout the duration of the operation resulting in more
than 14 insurgents killed. 2 individuals were detained for further questioning.
Security forces were not injured and ensured the safety of all women and children
throughout the operation.